Partner Family 1

Hello Harvest! We are a family that was sent out to work in South Asia. Pray us as we labor to proclaim the gospel, make disciples, plant churches, and multiply leaders among unreached people groups and places. We are also partnering with local leaders whom we are training to launch multiple indigenous church planting networks that are engaging unreached people groups and places with the gospel.

These church planting networks have planted churches in several states since 2017. These states have a total population of over a billion people. Our vision and hope is that there will be maturing, multiplying disciples, churches, and leaders among every people group and place throughout South Asia and beyond. 


  • Pray for God to raise up laborers through the efforts of our partners

  • Pray that God would use indigenous Christians to begin to lead out in making disciples and planting churches

  • Pray that God would strengthen and mature the disciples that have already come this ministry

  • Pray that God would strengthen and multiply the churches that are being planted.

  • Pray that our partners and the local believers would be able to stand firm against consistent opposition and persecution that is rising in South Asia.

Partner Family 2

Our work field is a state with tens of millions of people but less than one half percent who know Christ. Just as Paul could say that there was no place left for work in the region of Asia because the gospel has been fully proclaimed from Jerusalem to Illyricum (Rom 15:18-23), likewise we aim to see our state filled with the gospel so that no place or person remains without Christ. We labor for this aim through prayer, personally sharing the gospel and making disciples, and raising up and mentoring local leaders who will take responsibility for completing the Great Commission in their respective areas.

Jesus promised that the harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few. This is what we see every day - many are willing to listen and respond to the gospel, but very few ever get the chance to hear the good news. This is why we focus on using simple, biblical tools that help equip and empower every believer to share the gospel, make disciples and plant new churches, as well as raise up the next generation of Jesus-loving leaders who will do the same. 

Please pray for the local leaders whom we are already partnering with - that they will be rooted and grounded in Christ, filled with the Holy Spirit and faith, and be abundantly fruitful in their work. Pray they will be constantly and ever increasingly aware of God's glory and shaped by His desire for that to reach to the ends of the earth. Pray they will press ahead for this glorious call in spite of the real and present dangers and persecution they face, remembering always that nothing can separate them from the love of God.

Pray for our family that we will walk by the Spirit and live lives worthy of imitation in every respect. Pray for wisdom to effectively train and mentor our dear brothers and sisters, and that the Lord will bless our labors with much fruit for His glory.